Towel Services for Hotels & Airbnbs
When you run a hotel or a vacation rental like an Airbnb there is always lots of towels to wash.
For hotels, every room in the hotel needs to be cleaned every day. That includes bathroom towels and pool towels. Even a small hotel has to deal with laundering mountains of towels everyday. That can create a lot of wear and tear on your washers and dryers.
Airbnbs don't have to deal with as many but most rentals have multiple rooms and multiple bathrooms and a kitchen. There are towels in each of these rooms that need to be laundered. And they must be clean and ready before the next guests arrive. It is easy to fall behind.
Our towel service will work with your schedule to make sure you have clean towels when you need them. We will pick up as often as you need us to. We have industrial machines that can get your towels thoroughly cleaned and expert launderers whose only job is to get your towels clean and smelling great.